Breaking News
Gear Swap
Calendar 2005
Issue Archive 2006
IESARC Minutes
Tracker Classifieds


The Tracker website has moved. It is now part of the larger SBSAR website. Please visit www.sbsar.org to download and read Tracker articles.


The Tracker is distributed via email, and in "hard copy" at the IESARC meetings on the third Wednesday of odd-numbered months. To find out more information on the activities of search and rescue volunteers in San Bernardino County, contact the Sheriff's Volunteer Forces Unit at 909-387-0641.

The Tracker is always looking for articles of interest to its audience. Contact the editor at, editor@sbsar.org.

Breaking News

Jeremy Thomas Assuming Tracker Editor Duties (January 2006)

The Tracker is published by the Inland Empire Search and Rescue Council. The opinions expressed herein are those of the Editor and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.